Sunday, January 24, 2010

And so it begins...

This page is meant just as repository for my Playmobil craziness. I don't claim to be a "collector" or a Playmo freak, just a guy that, as a kid, used to love playing with these little klickies. I had completely forgotten how much fun I had with these toys as a kid. I came across the Playmobil Nativity Manger + Three Wise Kings set (5719) at a local store this past Christmas... Now my little collection is growing: Pirates, knights, a hodge podge of figures... let's see how far I take this... In the meantime, I'm having tons of fun! You know... sometimes life just sucks, and you have to take a little break and try to enjoy it. So there!
I'll be adding pics of custom dioramas and Playmo stuff. stay tuned!

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