Sunday, October 10, 2010

Long time no see!

I've been neglecting this blog for far too long. Instead I'd post whatever PlayMoLife stuff came up to my FB page. Well, after what happened yesterday over at FB I've decided this would be a more "welcoming" (as in not censured) place to do my stuff.
Let me explain: I've been doing a bit of customization, nothing heavy duty, just taking my clickies apart and mixing and matching parts. And I did some kinda funny ones, such as Karl Playmofeld and ChaCha the dragqueen. A couple of people suggested I should do a couple of "controversial" ones... such as a priest (with child, of course) and maybe even Hitler. So I took on the task and with a few spare parts and some Krylon spray paint later my figures were done. So I posted them on FB, with a disclaimer on the Hitler clicky stating, blah blah blah, yeah he was a bad guy, blah blah, blah... you know, the required stuff so people wouldn't think I'm some skinhead neonazi or something (Jeez, if A.H. would be alive today I'd be on his shit list for more than a few reasons).
Anyway, I posted the pics, a couple of people got a chuckle out of them, others didn't find them amusing. Someone must've reported them as offensive to the FB gods, because before I know it, *poof* they are gone! So, screw that... Let's see how sensitive the powers that be are over here at BP.
So, without further delay, here are the offensive clickies... :) Enjoy!

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